DesignPro Retirement. DesignPro has been retired and replaced by our popular Avery Design & Print. You can still use the same great features you had in DesignPro, including mail merge, QR codes, sequential numbers, curved text and special shapes.
DesignPro Retirement
Designpro 5.4 Limited Edition Download
DesignPro has been retired and replaced by our popular Avery Design & Print. You can still use the same great features you had in DesignPro, including mail merge, QR codes, sequential numbers, curved text and special shapes.
With Avery Design & Print Online you can:- Create a new project in just a few simple steps—select a blank or pre-designed template, personalize your text, add images and adjust colors.
- Personalize your Avery labels, business cards, dividers, name badges and more.
- Use images from your computer or choose from the Avery gallery.
- Easily change colors and fonts
- Save or open projects with a free Avery account for access anywhere.
We only recommend using the offline Design & Print program to convert your DesignPro files to the compatible .avery file. Here is how you can convert your DesignPro files:
- Download Avery Design & Print
- Go to Open a Saved Project and load your DesignPro project (.zdl file) from your computer.
- You will be in Step 1 Choose Product. Select your template for your Avery Product.
- Once you select your product, you will be in Step 3 Customize, save the project your your computer as a .avery file.
- Go to avery.com/myprojects and select Upload Project to open your .avery file.
- Save the project to your online Avery account to open, edit, and print any time.
Note: Because DesignPro files are from a retired software program, we can’t guarantee they will open properly in the Design & Print Offline.
Design Pro 5.4 Free Download
If your project is a discontinued Avery product, it may not open. If it contains system fonts, they will be replaced with the fonts that are included in Design & Print Online. Data may be missing or you might need to adjust the design if it changes in the conversion process.
Avery Designpro 5.4 Download
If you have trouble opening your projects, please contact our Consumer Care Center and we can help walk you through the process.