Microsoft Accor Black Font For Mac

Full list of fonts available in both Office for Mac and Office for Windows. The following fonts are available on both. Macintosh OSX 10.4 with Office 2011 for Mac and; Windows 8 with Office 2013 for Windows; You can use these fonts in Office documents, knowing that anyone who gets the file – using Windows or Mac will see it using the same fonts.

Safe web fonts

A very nice discussion of the history of typefaces is taken from and archived here.

Another font comparison pageis here,archived here. The same site hasmore excellentinformation about fonts here,archived here.

Another document cross-linking fonts is here.

The fonts that are most safe to use are:

Other options that usually work cross-platform are:

  • Palatino
  • Garamond
  • Bookman
  • Avant Garde

Fonts that work on Windows and MacOS but not Unix+X are:

  • Verdana
  • Georgia
  • Comic Sans MS
  • Trebuchet MS
  • Arial Black
  • Impact

Common sans-serif fonts

Helvetica is the granddaddy here, but Arial is more common onmodern OS's.


ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Helvetica is a sans-serif font. It is a good choice for shorttext, perhaps a paragraph or two in length. Unix and Macintoshcomputers have had always had Helvetica, and it is a native fonton PostScript printers.


ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Arial is near-copy of Helvetica, updated slightly. Windows usesArial in place of Helvetica.

Common serif fonts

Times is the grand-daddy of serif fonts, but Times New Roman ismore common on recent OS's.


ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Times (also called Times Roman) is the traditional seriffont. It is available on Macintosh and Unix computers, and is acore PostScript font. Times was designed for use as newspapercolumn text. It has a small size, compared to most other fonts.

Times New Roman

ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Times New Roman is Microsoft's version of Times. It is availableon Windows computers, and most Macintosh computers.

Common monospace fonts

Designed to mimic typewritten output, these fonts are often usedwhen writing code. Courier is the grand-daddy, while most recentOS's have Courier New.


ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Courier is the traditional monospace font. It is available onMacintosh and Unix computers, and is a core PostScript font.

Courier New

ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Courier New is Microsoft's version of Courier. Most Windows andMacintosh computers will have Courier New.

Less-common sans-serif fonts

Verdana is popular, but still new to the scene. Tahoma's styleis half-way between Verdana and Arial. Comic Sans MS is oftenliked for its informal feel. Avante Garde is big and spacious.Impact and Arial Black are both designed for titles andheadings. All of the fonts in this section suffer from theproblem that most Unix machines don't have the fonts.


ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
From around 2000 until mid-2002, Microsoft distributed a set ofWeb-optimized fonts, for free use. They have stopped allowingdownloads, but still ship the fonts with Windows. Verdana is asans-serif replacement. Its lowercase letters are very large,compared to the overall size of the font, which makes text easyto read on the web.

Unfortunately, the stretching of Verdana lowercase letters hastwo drawbacks. One issue is that the stretched letters don'tlook quite right when printed—compare them to Arial, forexample. The other problem is that some people don't have theVerdana font, and these people may have trouble reading a webpage that uses Verdana. The problem is that while 9 ptVerdana is readable, 9 pt Arial is not readable, and aperson who doesn't have Verdana will probably have their webbrowser choose Arial as the substitute font.


ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Tahoma is another of Microsoft's web fonts. It is not as widelyavailable as Verdana or Arial are.

Arial Black

ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Arial Black is a version of Arial designed for headlines.

Comic Sans MS

ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Comic Sans MS is a sans-serif font with a soft, rounded style.


ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Impact is a Microsoft Web font, designed for headlines.

Avant Garde

ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Avant Garde or Century Gothic. HP Printers call this AvantGarde Gothic.

Less-common serif fonts

Georgia is a web-optimized serif font, but is still a newcomer.Palatino is as old and established as Times is, butlooks terrible on recent Unixsystems. Century Schoolbook, Garamond, and Bookman seem to beavailable on Unix systems, but I am not sure how widespread theyare on Windows/Mac systems.


ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Georgia is a Microsoft Web font. It has serifs but also haslarge lowercase letters, similar to Verdana. It is a nicelyreadable screen font, but has the same problems that Verdanadoes: it looks bad when printed, and paged designed for Georgiawill look bad if rendered in Times, because of the difference inletter size.


ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Palatino is a less-commonly used serif font. It is available onMacintosh and Unix computers, and is a core PostScript font. Itis available on Windows computers under alternate font names.

Palatino was originally designed as a display font—forexample, to be used in lettering on signs. Nevertheless, itis commonly used to set body text.


ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Bookman, also called Bookman Old Style.Not shipped with WinXP. Shipped with MS Office 2000.


ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Garamond. There are a lot of variants of this font.Not shipped with WinXP.

Century Schoolbook

ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Century Schoolbook is a core postscript font. You cannot rely onits being present on Windows computers.Not shipped with WinXP.

Microsoft Accor Black Font For Mac Download


Less-common monospace fonts

Andale Mono is similar to Verdana and Georgia; it is a new font,not widespread, and not available on Unix or on some Windows computers.

Andale Mono

ABCDE abcde 012345 &*!,.
Andale Mono is yet another Microsoft's monospace typeface. Ithas some resemblance to Monaco.Not shipped with WinXP.

Last updated: 2008/06/03

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Here you can find the list with the standard set of fonts common to all versions of Windows and their Mac substitutes, referred sometimes as 'browser safe fonts'. This is the reference I use when making web pages and I expect you will find it useful too.

If you are new to web design, maybe you are thinking: 'Why I have to limit to that small set of fonts? I have a large collection of nice fonts in my computer'. Well, as seasoned web designers already know, browsers can use only the fonts installed in each computer, so it means that every visitor of your web page needs to have all the fonts you want to use installed in his/her computer. Of course, different people will have different fonts installed, and thus come the need of a standard set of fonts. Fortunately, CSS allows set several values for the font-family property, which eases the task a bit.

If you want to know how the fonts are displayed in other OS's or browsers than yours, after the table you can find several screen shots of this page in different systems and browsers. Also, you can take a look to the list of the default fonts included with each version of Windows.

The list

First, a few introductory notes:

  • The names in grey are the generic family of each font.
  • In some cases the Mac equivalent is the same font, since Mac OS X also includes some of the fonts shipped with Windows.
  • The notes at the bottom contains specific information about some of the fonts.
Windows fonts / Mac fonts / Font family
Normal styleBold style
Arial, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serifArial, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
Arial Black, Arial Black, Gadget, sans-serifArial Black, Arial Black, Gadget, sans-serif
Comic Sans MS, Comic Sans MS5, cursiveComic Sans MS, Comic Sans MS5, cursive
Courier New, Courier New, monospaceCourier New, Courier New, monospace
Georgia1, Georgia, serifGeorgia1, Georgia, serif
Impact, Impact5, Charcoal6, sans-serifImpact, Impact5, Charcoal6, sans-serif
Lucida Console, Monaco5, monospaceLucida Console, Monaco5, monospace
Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, sans-serifLucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, sans-serif
Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua3, Palatino, serifPalatino Linotype, Book Antiqua3, Palatino, serif
Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serifTahoma, Geneva, sans-serif
Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times, serifTimes New Roman, Times New Roman, Times, serif
Trebuchet MS1, Trebuchet MS, sans-serifTrebuchet MS1, Trebuchet MS, sans-serif
Verdana, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serifVerdana, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif
Symbol, Symbol(Symbol2, Symbol2)Symbol, Symbol(Symbol2, Symbol2)
Webdings, Webdings(Webdings2, Webdings2)Webdings, Webdings(Webdings2, Webdings2)
Wingdings, Zapf Dingbats(Wingdings2, Zapf Dingbats2)Wingdings, Zapf Dingbats(Wingdings2, Zapf Dingbats2)
MS Sans Serif4, Geneva, sans-serifMS Sans Serif4, Geneva, sans-serif
MS Serif4, New York6, serifMS Serif4, New York6, serif

1 Georgia and Trebuchet MS are bundled with Windows 2000/XP and they are also included in the IE font pack (and bundled with other MS applications), so they are quite common in Windows 98 systems.

Microsoft Accor Black Font For Mac

Microsoft Accor Black Font For Mac

2 Symbolic fonts are only displayed in Internet Explorer, in other browsers a font substitute is used instead (although the Symbol font does work in Opera and the Webdings works in Safari).

3 Book Antiqua is almost exactly the same font that Palatino Linotype, Palatino Linotype is included in Windows 2000/XP while Book Antiqua was bundled with Windows 98.

4 These fonts are not TrueType fonts but bitmap fonts, so they won't look well when using some font sizes (they are designed for 8, 10, 12, 14, 18 and 24 point sizes at 96 DPI).

5 These fonts work in Safari but only when using the normal font style, and not with bold or italic styles. Comic Sans MS works in bold but not in italic. Other Mac browsers seems to emulate properly the styles not provided by the font (thanks to Christian Fecteau for the tip).

6 These fonts are present in Mac OS X only if Classic is installed (thanks to Julian Gonggrijp for the corrections).

How the fonts look in different systems and browsers

Microsoft Accor Black Font For Mac Os

  • Mac OS X 10.4.8, Firefox 2.0, font smoothing enabled (thanks to Juris Vecvanags for the screen shot)
  • Mac OS X 10.4.4, Firefox 1.5, font smoothing enabled (thanks to Eric Zavesky for the screen shot)
  • Mac OS X 10.4.11, Safari 3.0.4, font smoothing enabled (thanks to Nolan Gladius for the screen shot)
  • Mac OS X 10.4.4, Safari 2.0.3, font smoothing enabled (thanks to Eric Zavesky for the screen shot)
  • Windows Vista, Internet Explorer 7, ClearType enabled (thanks to Michiel Bijl for the screen shot)
  • Windows Vista, Firefox 2.0, ClearType enabled (thanks to Michiel Bijl for the screen shot)
  • Linux (Ubuntu 7.04 + Gnome), Firefox 2.0 (thanks to Juris Vecvanags for the screen shot)

Note that while the ClearType smoothing is applied always, the basic font smoothing of Windows 98/2000/XP is applied only to certain font sizes. That sizes can be specified by the font designer, but usually they are in the ranges of 0-6 and 14+ points (pt).

The Mac font list was obtained from the Browser Safe Fonts PDF of webbedEnvironments and from the List of fonts in Mac OS X of the Wikipedia.

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